If you are interested in a Spring 2022 semester calendar, please click on the links below. This calendar is a great tool to help you get organized around all of your major exams, assignments, papers, projects, etc.

How to fill out the calendar:

  1. Review each of your course syllabi
  2. Add each major assignment on the scheduled due date. Make sure you indicate the course and assignment title
    • Example: Econ 101 Exam 1
    • Example: Psych 110 Lab Report 1
  3. Revisit your schedule weekly so you are aware and able to plan for the busy weeks throughout the semester

PDF Copy – printer friendly

Spring 2022-Semester-Planning-Calendar 

Word Document Copy – can edit right on your computer 

Spring 2022-Semester-Planning-Calendar


If you have any questions or would like assistance with completing the activity, please contact your class dean!