Dean’s List

Only those who achieve a semester average of at least (3 or more letter-graded course credits) are named to this prestigious list.

Spring 2024 Dean’s List

Fall 2023 Dean’s List 

Spring 2023 Dean’s List

Fall 2022 Dean’s List

Spring 2022 Dean’s List

Honors Convocation

All-College Honors Convocation is an annual celebration of student academic and community achievement where approximately 100+ endowed and department awards are presented to students by the president, provost, and faculty department heads. The 2025 All-College Honors Convocation will be held on Sunday May 4th, 2025 at 1pm in Colton Chapel

Livestream Honors Convocation 2024 .

Honors Convocation Program 2024

Honors Thesis

Departmental honors and honors in interdisciplinary majors are awarded for outstanding performance in writing a senior thesis or in conducting senior research. Learn more.

Pepper Prize

The George Wharton Pepper Prize is awarded annually to the senior “who most nearly represents the Lafayette ideal”. It was established in 1923 by George Wharton Pepper H’22, a United States Senator from Pennsylvania, an attorney, and a founding member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.