FAQs for Students
I can’t log in to this resource. What should I do?
Log in to Spaces (syllabus hosting platform) using your Lafayette credentials. If you’re having trouble, submit a Help Desk ticket by emailing help@lafayette.edu.
How should I use this resource to plan for registration?
This resource should be used along with the dynamic course schedule and conversations with your academic advisor to plan for future semester registrations. All courses may not be listed in this resource (e.g., new courses, special topics courses) and not all courses listed will have a resource uploaded to it. If there are additional resources that you need in order to make a decision on course selection, you should contact the course instructor directly.
What courses are listed in this resource?
Most courses that currently appear in Lafayette’s course catalog will appear in this resource, along with the information already listed in the course catalog (e.g., course name, course number, course description). Exceptions include special topics courses, selected studies courses, First Year Seminar courses, and individual instruction courses (independent study, advanced research, honors thesis). The repository will refresh each summer, so changes made to the course catalog each year (i.e., new courses, courses that are taken off the books) will be reflected after the refresh takes place.
Why don’t First Year Seminar (FYS) courses appear in the Student Syllabus Resource?
FYS courses do not appear in the Student Syllabus Resource for a number of reasons. Most importantly, FYSs are unique to the first-semester college experience here at Lafayette, and incoming first-year students are placed into FYS sections via a separate and distinct process (i.e., a ranking form based on published course descriptions) than that by which students register for other courses. Other reasons relate to significant discrepancies between FYS courses that might be available for registration vs. those that appear in the course catalog; many more FYSs are listed in the course catalog than are offered in any given semester, and new FYS courses are not included in the course catalog until two years after the first course offering.
I can’t find the course I am looking for in this resource. What should I do?
There are some courses that may not be included in this resource. Any ** including but not limited to** special topics/selected studies/independent studies/individual instruction that run for only a semester or two will not be included. Cross listed LVAIC courses will not appear; you will need to look at the home institution’s website for information on that course. Courses that are new for next academic year will not be included in this resource because they are not added to the college catalog until the summer before they are offered. Finally, if the course is cross-listed, try looking for the syllabus under the other listing found in the college catalog (i.e., the other department and course number).
The course I am interested in is listed but there is nothing uploaded for it. What should I do?
Faculty may choose not to upload a resource for their classes for a variety of reasons. You can always touch base with the course instructor(s) for more information.