The provost’s representative (dean of advising and co-curricular programs) is designated by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees to be responsible for the observance and enforcement of the standards of academic honesty. In turn, the provost’s representative has assigned responsibility for the coordination of academic conduct cases to the associate dean of advising and co-curricular programs who generally serves as the case administrator for all allegations related to the Academic Integrity Policy.
Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee consists of nine Faculty members, at least two from each of the paired divisions (engineering/natural sciences and humanities/social sciences) and at least three non-tenured; and four student members. Ex officio members include (given the business at hand) the Dean of Advising and Co-Curricular Programs, the Registrar, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, the Dean of Students, the Director of Athletics, and the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative. Ex Officio members of the committee do not participate in Academic Conduct hearings.
The Student Affairs Committee is responsible for hearing cases that are referred to it by the dean of Academic Advising and Co-curricular Programs or in which respondents have elected, in accordance with the procedures laid out in the code, to have their case heard by the committee. At least five committee members must be present, including 3 faculty members and 2 students, for a hearing to take place.
Student members deliberate and vote during the committee’s determination of responsibility, but student members do not participate in discussions regarding sanctioning of a respondent.
Please refer to the “Academic Conduct” section of the Student Handbook for all policies and procedures.