The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) is a 10-scale, 60-item assessment of students’ awareness about and use of learning and study strategies. The focus is on covert and overt thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, motivations and beliefs that relate to successful learning in postsecondary educational and training settings.

The LASSI Scales

There are six items on each of the ten scales of the LASSI, 3rd Edition. These scales are: Anxiety, Attitude, Concentration, Information Processing, Motivation, Selecting Main Ideas, Self Testing, Test Strategies, Time Management, and Using Academic Resources.

Each of these 10 scales is primarily related to one of three of the components of strategic learning: skill, will and self-regulation.

LASSI – Student Instructions

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) is designed to gather information about learning and study practices and attitudes. Upon submission and approval of your institution number, 60 statements will be presented that relate to your knowledge of these areas.

If you are ready to begin, locate the following URL with your web browser:

This URL will direct you to a web page that contains directions for taking the LASSI. After you have read these directions, you must enter your school number to continue. Your school number is listed below along with your user name and password.
School Number: 80147
User Name: essd
User Password: hdn8

After entering this information, the next screen to appear requires you to enter your first and last name into the spaces provided for the page to be submitted correctly. The ID and E-mail fields are optional.

The next screen to appear will be the LASSI assessment. You will be asked to respond to 60 statements. To help you decide which responses to select, we would like to explain what is meant by each option.
• By Not at all typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would never describe you, but that it would be true of you only in rare instances.
• By Not very typical of me, we mean that the statement generally would not be true of you.
• By Somewhat typical of me, we mean that the statement would be true of you about half of the time.
• By Fairly typical of me, we mean that the statement would generally be true of you.
• By Very much typical of me, we do not necessarily mean that the statement would always describe you, but that it would be true of you almost all the time.

After completing all the items and successfully submitting the results, a two-page report will be displayed listing your scores for each scale, together with your name, institution, date of administration, and an explanation of your results.

Please print a copy of your results and share them with your faculty advisor or a member of the professional staff in the Advising Office or Academic Resource Hub. There are a number of professionals on campus who can assist you in capitalizing on your strengths and further enhancing your skills.